Aug 29, 2022
Life musings


A photo of a yellow t-shirt with the logo of the QBioS graduate program
Excited to move to Santa Fe!

As some of you know, I've accepted an offer from the Santa Fe Institute to work there as an Omidyar Postdoctoral Fellow. This is an exciting research position, with maximal independence and autonomy to pursue all sorts of scientific ideas. I'm planning to work mainly in life cycle theory and 'compositional biology', which in my mind is a theoretical framework to explain how biological systems interact (will elaborate more in a future post). I will also be researching the evolution of Purépecha, the language of my native culture in México, which is a language isolate.

I'm starting in October, but I've already visited and participated in a few activities at the Institute, and I could not be happier to join such an amazing and interesting community.

Here's a view I got from my first visit to the Institute :)

View from the Santa Fe Institute, Winter 2021/22

Georgia Tech was an incredible place to do my PhD. My advisor, William Ratcliff, was always supportive of my scientific interests, and this allowed me to nurture my interests in theoretical biology, philosophy of biology, science communication, and education. I was also fortunate to be part of the inaugural cohort of the QBioS graduate program, which is now a consolidated and well-rounded program, with a cohesive community of students, researchers, and staff. I will miss all the people there!

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Life musings
A photo of a white, snowy patio with a stone wall, where it reads 'LOVE'
Dec 30, 2022
Life musings

Winter in Santa Fe

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