The pitch as hypothesis: How stories evolve through reporting

An illustration of a maze where a person contemplates the goal, which is a microphone

You wake up with a great idea for a story to write: clear, entertaining, and ready to be tackled. And you think that everything will go smoothly, but then you face reality, you find out that everything is much more complex! I've faced this problem many times, so I developed an approach to science communication stories, where we treat stories as hypotheses. I wrote extensively about this at The Open Notebook, which you can read here in English, y aquí en Español.

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Science communication
A digital image showing two students

I wrote a short article with some advice from my personal experience getting into, and staying, in grad school.

A still from a video, showing Melanie Mitchell

I had much fun helping the producers of 'The Future with Hannah Fry'

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