Oct 14, 2022

Attended the XV Imagine Science film festival

A picture of a poster, where it reads 'XVI Imagine Science film festival'

As some of you know, I've been working on a documentary for some time, entitled (for now) 'Life beyond'. As part of the development of the project, I've been getting familiar with science documentaries and organizations. I recently submitted my project to the 'New Voices' program of the Imagine Science film festival, in collaboration with Warner Media, and my project got selected as a finalist! Unfortunately I didn't get the funding at the end, but this was a great experience. I learnt a lot about the intersection between cinematography and science, and how blurry the boundary is.

Amongst other activities, I got to see the screening of various science-themed films

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Poster for a symposium about Robert Rosen
Nov 25, 2024

I participated in UNAM's 2nd symposium on the philosophy of computation, talking about the history and foundations of relational biology

Logo for the School of Complex Adaptive Systems at ASU
Nov 4, 2024

I had a great time visiting the folks at the new School of Complex Adaptive Systems at ASU. I gave a talk on relational models of self-organization.

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