Oct 21, 2022

Workshop on the origins of metabolism

A group photo of three people, Dr. Pedro Márquez-Zacarías, Dr. Alan Pacheco, and Dr. Stefany Moreno

Back in XXX, I participated in asdas.d There, I met asdasdas. We decided to continue working on the project, and have just completed our working group workshop.

  • Before the evolution of a genetic system, a metabolic system needs to be in place, given that the genetic material is also metabolized
  • To accomplish a metabolic function, enzymes would need to be encoded in a proto-genome, else the environment would need to provide what's needed for a reaction to occurr
  • Thus, we modeled the trade-off between relying completely in the enviornment, which is cheap but unreliable, versus encoding every single function in the genome, which is an expensive strategy, but a reliable one

We are still working in the model, but so far things look cool.

We also got to see some of the yellow-ish leaves on the mountains near Hyde Park, which is quite a sight.

Green-to-yellow transition near Hyde Park, as the fall settles in Santa Fe

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